Featured Videos
Featured CD
She's Trouble
Summer Song
Still Be In Love

November 9, 2018Langdon Hall Relaix and Chateau
Tim performs at Langdon Hall in Cambridge Ontario from 7-10 pm [more]
November 10, 2018Love of Music Marathon
In support of the K-W Symphony... [more]
November 10, 2018Elora Mill Hotel and Spa
Performing in the Penstock Lounge 5-9pm [more]
November 11, 2018Langdon Hall Relaix and Chateau - Brunch
Tim performs at Langdon Hall in Cambridge Ontario from 12-3pm [more]
November 11, 2018Elora Mill Hotel and Spa
Performing in the Penstock Lounge 5-8pm [more]
November 15, 2018Private Function
Contact Tim for your private function at... [more]
November 18, 2018Timeless Cafe
Sunday Brunch at the Timeless Cafe in Waterloo... [more]
December 1-2, 2018Registry Theatre - A Big Band Christmas
Tim is a special guest vocalist with the Big Band Theory.. [more]
January 4, 2019Tim Louis and the Ambassadors - Annual New Year's Jazz Levee
Friday, January 4th at the Jazz Room in Waterloo [more]
December 31, 2015Tim performs on Canada AM
Thursday, December 31st Tim performs on national TV appearing on Canada AM [more]
Feature Article in Grand Magazine
Here's the article from January's Grand Magazine, thanks for the support! [more]
Tim hosts weekly radio show on Grand 92.9 FM
Tune in to The Grand FM 92.9 every Sunday night from 11pm-midnight... [more]
Jazz Sessions radio show airs Sunday evenings on Erin Radio 88.1 FM
Tune in from 8-9pm every Sunday night... [more]
Proud to be Judge/Mentor for Wellesley Idol
I'm proud to once again be a judge and mentor to the talented contestants of Wellesley Idol! [more]